Established powers have always sought methods of controlling populations. In the past, their techniques were outright violence. As violence created martyrs however, resistance only became stronger. Learning from past mistakes, the financial elites ceased using force and became more sophisticated in their methods. Amongst the many new tools the oligarchs have in their kit, porn is one of their most potent.
One should ask themselves why is all this porn freely available on the internet? There is a reason for this. As a rule, when the service is free, the consumer is the product. The supposedly free Facebook app sells your personal data. The free Google Maps tracks your every moves and use that data to create profits. Free service means you are the product, and porn is no different. But product to whom you may ask? You are a product not just to advertisers forming up profiles on you, but also to special interest groups who want to keep a population tamed.
I suspect established powers subsidize the porn industry to keep populations weak and mentally foggy. Porn deeply disturbs the psyche, making the person unable to concentrate. Complex subjects become more difficult to study. The end result is a society full of disposal laborers lacking the technical know-how modern civilization requires. The lack of virility is an inevitable result from sexual dissipation also makes them indifferent to the countless injustices that plague them.
Now let me make it clear that this situation is as much our fault as it is the elites. We are not a powerless victim here. It is our weakness in the face of pornography that gives them control. The product you sell when you watch pornography is your character, your magnetic strength, and your willpower. Let’s drop this bizarre voyeuristic habit of porn, and patiently learn to build our character and skills so that we may serve each other.