How to Treat GERD

GERD is a condition that’s caused me tremendous pain. I consulted several doctors on how to treat this matter to no avail. I soon realized that I was on my own on this one. Determined to solve this ailment, I started plucking at the potential causes one by one. There is no such thing as an effect without cause, so I knew there were reasons why my body was reacting in this manner. After two years of investigations, I believe I found all the potential causes one need to address to get rid of this terrible condition and prevent it from occurring again. If these solutions were helpful to you, please contribute by donating to my blog or purchasing my $7 ebook on how to become more intelligent. In either case, I wish you health, wealth, success, and peace.

The stomach acid condition known as GERD is not a simple thing, it is a multifactorial condition. My research and experimentation have shown me that each and every one of these issues listed contributed to this dreadful condition. I promise you however that if you correct all these discrepancies pointed out, you will be sleeping sound again at night without worrying about being burned by acid. Here they are:

Vitamin D GERD

Vitamin D

You may have noticed that your acid reflux symptoms seem to appear during the winter. There is a reason for this- sunlight is less prevalent during the winters. This lack of sunlight eventually leads to a depletion in your Vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is required to maintain a proper rhythm of your nervous system. In other words, the lack of Vitamin D throws your circadian rhythm out of whack, causing your stomach to spasm and produce too much acid.

Another thing the depletion of Vitamin D level does is destroy your ability to process calcium. Your body needs Vitamin D to absorb calcium. Calcium is a micro mineral that is in foods like milk, yogurt, cheese, etc. Since your body can no longer process dairy due to its deficiency in Vitamin D, it ferments it. This fermentation is what causes the horrible burning you feel after consuming dairy products. This terrible burning sensation you feel after consuming dairy may cause you to believe you are lactose intolerant but you are not, you are simply lacking in Vitamin. The solution here is rather straightforward, start supplementing your body with Vitamin D. You may purchase a reliable one here.

10,000 steps a day Gerd

10,000 Steps a Day

What else changes in the winter aside from the amount of sunlight you are exposed to? That’s right, your walking pattern! One of the immediate changes that takes place in the winter is that you walk less… a lot less. This lifestyle change is terribly unhealthy for your body but most especially your digestive system which needs the walking for digestion.

The bottom of your feet have nerves that can only be stimulated through walking. Walking also sends vibrational pulses throughout your body that helps tonify your internal organs. In fact, this is what Chinese reflexology is all about. When they apply pressure at certain points of your feet they stimulate and tonify a particular organ. This process naturally happens by walking. When it is ten degrees or colder outside however no one wants to walk, but this punishes your entire system, most especially the digestive one. The appropriate solution here is also straightforward, get your 10,000 steps per day. In other words, be sure to walk 3-5 miles a day. If it is too cold outside to do so, go to the gym, and walk on a treadmill for 30 minutes to an hour.

humidity GERD


There is still another thing that happens in the winter, the cold wind destroys humidity. Even if you are in a cold climate where the humidity is not destroyed by subzero degree wind, you are more than likely inside a home where all windows are shut thus preventing that natural humidity outside from reaching inside your place. This dry air cuts the lining of your esophagus. You will likely feel a sharp pain on the left side right above your stomach. If you smoke or drink coffee, the pain will become particularly sharp because you are further dehydrating your body.

The solution to this dilemma is twofold. First, you need to remain hydrated- cracked lips is a sign that your body is dehydrated, do not ignore this biofeedback. Drink water all day. Second, you need to buy a humidifier for your place. I also recommend purchasing a hygrometer to make sure your home stays at the right humidity level. Research has shown that the proper humidity level for homes should be 40-60%. You can purchase a reliable humidifier and hygrometer using these hyperlinks.

Balance Foods GERD

Balance Your Foods

Foods have a different nature. Some foods are acidic, others are alkaline. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, they call such nature hot and cold, with hot foods being the acidic ones, and cold foods alkaline. It is very possible and likely that you are eating too many hot foods and not enough cold foods. Again, hot foods are anything that is acidic such as eggs, meat, cheese, garlic, salt, refined carbs, fried foods, coffee, etc. Cold foods are items like kale, banana, green peas, sauerkrauts, cabbage, alkaline water, etc.

The appropriate action here is to balance your hot foods with cold foods that way your body is more neutral. Avoid processed food and sugar as much as possible, they are extremely hot. Fried food also has a hot nature. One warning I’d like to give is that plain greek yogurt, although a cold food, will still lead to heartburn since you lack Vitamin D. Wait one or two weeks after supplementing Vitamin D to consume yogurt. I also recommend looking at the Traditional Chinese Medicine hot/cold food table chart as reference.

Sun Gerd

Follow the SUn

Not only is the combination of foods you eat is important, what time you eat is also important. You ideally want to follow the solar pattern. Breakfast should be light and warm, sort of like the sunrise. Noon, which is when the sun peaks, should be your heaviest/hottest meal. This is the time to eat meat or similarly heavy food. Dinner should be light and cool, similar to the sunset. In other words, avoid eating meat or heavy meals at night. This will keep your stomach cool during sleep, giving you better rest.

Posture GERD

Watch Your Posture

Proper posture is all about keeping your body in a position that allows the energy within it to flow. Bad posture creates energy blocks. There is a chance you suffer from bad posture if you feel heartburns. The slouching posture creates an energy block where your esophagus meets your stomach. The heat from the stomach becomes trapped at that point, and you feel a burn pain where your esophagus and stomach meet. This pain feels like a red hot point right on top of your stomach. To get rid of it, you must stop slouching forward.

Every time your torso bends forward while slouching, you create a pinch between your chest and stomach. This pinch creates a block between the stomach and esophagus. This block then traps energy, and this energy blockage becomes the painful volcano that is giving you hell all the time. Again, stop trapping energy there, keep an upright posture.

The preceding six items I’ve given you is what freed me from the misery of GERD. I sincerely wish they work as well and fast for you as they did for me. I wish you a life of health, wealth, and success. If you found the info provided in the article valuable, please help support me by making a paypal contribution or you can buy my ebook on Becoming More Intelligent to elevate yourself even further. In either case, best wishes!

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